Messy Desk

by Merry-Beth Noble

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Views of Prague, Winter 2007

I returned to Prague this winter to work with SAIC's Prague Studio Program and to attend the Dekadence Symposium at the Obecní Dům.

As faculty of the program, we also presented our work in the concurrent Dekadence themed exhibition, "Dekadence Dance,"

at Academie of Fine Arts, Prague (AVU) in the AVU Gallerie.

The show was well attended with Czech and American students and faculty at the opening,

along with friends, and of course,


[Image: Prague drawing in Mini-Sketchbook, 2006,
Ink and pencil on paper, 2" x 3"]

Besides showing a small book and decadent "Fire Mask,"

I exhibited several series of new drawings and works on paper presented in arrangements,

[Image: "Bohemian Lion" 2007, (detail)
Gold colored pencil on paper with cut-outs,
8" x 6"]

along with video animations I created while working in Prague.

[Video Still, "Photo Double" 2005]

[Astronomical Clock, Prague,
19 January, 2007]

Some notes on the passage of time:

Always a source of inspiration, Prague never gets old to me and is different every time I visit, yet some iconic views of the city are comforting because they seem to never change over the years.

Even though enduring views of the city are reliably the same, why is it that the impulse to snap a photo occurs, even when we already have the photograph?

Why do we take the same picture again?

When do we stop photographing the landmarks? When the landmarks reside in our home town, does the need to photograph them disappear? Are they less special when they are more familiar?

[Pražký hrad (Prague Castle)]

[View from across the Vltava River, 6th January, 2007.
Beginning of trip to Prague.]

[View from across the Vltava River, 20th January, 2007.
End of trip to Prague.]

Besides capturing images, or "taking" a memory of Prague with a photograph, many others have left their mark behind as a memento for others to see instead.

There is contemporary graffiti

and vintage graffiti,
making it clear to anyone who takes the time to read the names and years, that leaving a sign or a personal mark...

is an act that has been going on for centuries, and graffiti is not a new form of avant garde defiance, but a timeless form of expression. In this way, the signature and date is not only the mark of graffiti, but the claim of authorship; the message to the viewer of the future, that says,

"I was here at this time. Remember me."

One can say, as time passes, the object may stay the same, but the meaning changes.

Once a standard issue vehicle, associated with inferior mechanical quality, now the Tribant is a retro-kitsch object of desire.

Prague still has many of these functioning relics of transportation, such as the Tribant automobile, and the ever-popular Autobus.

On this trip we were able to take an autobus trip to the Holocaust memorial site in the walled city of Terezín.

Besides statistics and stories scripted in the wall text of the museum and recited by the guide, the place itself speaks the most powerfully through its silence.

This is because of the evidence that has been left behind.

The residents of the town during WWII still speak to us today through the objects that remain there. Whether a conscious act to bear witness, or an expression of authorship at the moment of creation, the city and prison of Terezín has these remnants that serve as marks of human lives; images, numbers, words, dates, signatures -- graffiti.

These carvings have been left on a stone doorway outside the prison of Terezín.

Are they the signs from a victim, a captor, or a viewer?


Sunday, March 18, 2007

February and March Projects

"Play It Ground"
group show

at Don O'Melveny Gallery
Los Angeles, California

Opening Reception
6 - 9 PM
Saturday, March 24, 2007

[Image: "USA Cola" 2006
Four-color reductive linocut,
4" x 3"]

In my home town, the City of Angels, a selection of my newest drawings and prints will be on view in this group exhibition. Addressing themes of "ground" as a formal device, and "play" as a conceptual theme, this show promises to be very strong. Organized by Yong Sin of L.A., "Play It Ground" will host a variety of work by talented and exciting artists including my close colleagues, Edith Abeyta and Hague Williams.

gallery address:
5472 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036
(310) 686-5613
(between Fairfax and La Brea in mid-Wilshire)

[Image: "Thunder" 2006 (detail)
Acrylic, Prismacolor and collage on paper
10" x 8"]

Gallery Hours:
Wed - Sat 12:00PM - 5:00PM
Show runs from March 24th - April 15, 2007
16 participating artists:

Edith Abeyta
Amy Caterina
Chris Elliott
Lauren Gabriele
Mary Cecile Gee
Betsy Lohrer Hall
Robbie Miller
Kimiko Miyoshi
Merry-Beth Noble
Lisa Romero
Michael Shaw
Yong Sin
S. Ian Song
Hoang Vu
Hague Williams


"Something's Brewing" Collaborative Project
in Leiden, the Netherlands

Designed and organized by Edith Abeyta and Judith Thissen,
beer brewed by Robert Tower.

Part of the Co-Op program initiated by Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. Exhibition will take place at the Lakenhal Museum in Leiden, Netherlands in December 2007.

"Fashion Design for Beer"

I will be participating in the "Something's Brewing" Project by contributing beer label designs as a series of hand-made multiples.

Taking my design cues from the Dutch beer brand "Heineken" brewed locally there, I have transformed my labels into fashion design for beer bottles. The result is "irresistible."

Ready to adorn Abeyta's Something's Brewing bottles of delicious home-brewed beer, my labels (or bottle fashions) are eager to make their sparkling debut in Holland!

This exciting project developed as a combination of art and scientific research by Abeyta, Thissen & Tower will be a multi-location event and exhibit in the Netherlands from Spring until the end of the year.

Because the opportunity to design a unique label for home-brewed beer provides a practical and creative challenge for young graphic designers, my students in senior level graphic design will be contributing a group entry as a student assignment. (Stay tuned for images and updates as a future web log.)

This project is currently open for participation from contributors. Entries must be received by April 1st via Email or US Postal. For more information please visit the websites listed below:

Co-op Project website:
Something's Brewing page. To participate, get downloads, deadlines and mailing addresses:
For more info about the artists organizing the project:

or click on the following titles in the Links column to the right:
"Edith Abeyta" - Abeyta's blog and project info.
"Co-Ops Website" - Exploring new territories in art & science, Leiden, Netherlands.
"Something's Brewing" - Project web page

[Some images for this entry obtained on the Heineken website: date searched: 03/11/07]


Relationships Show at the Jean Albano Gallery still on view through Saturday March 3rd, 2007:
Final Week

at the Jean Albano Gallery
January 5 - March 3, 2007

[Image: "Wonder Woman" 2006,
single color linocut print, Ed. 10, 8" x 6" detail]

Opens Friday January 5, 2007
5:30 - 7:30PM

See my new works on paper that are part of this group show presenting direct and indirect artistic responses to all types of "Relationships." Many of the exhibitors are artists who are well-known relationship partners.

Gallery is located at 215 W. Superior St.,
Chicago, IL 60610
(312) 440-0770
Just south of the Chicago CTA Brown Line Stop,
between Franklin and Wells.

Gallery hours: Tues. - Fri. 10A - 5P
Sat. 11A - 5P

(For more information please visit the website
or click on "Jean Albano Gallery" under Links.)